June 2024

To contact AILA and NZILA

AILA Association Secretariat: Vickie Saccaro, Lisa Kennedy
PO Box 4295 Burwood East, Vic 3151
Phone: 1300 699 140
Email: office@aila.com.au


AILA National Board

President: Melanie Quixley, Barry Nilsson (Qld)
Phone: 07 3099 7308
Email: Melanie.Quixley@bnlaw.com.au ; president@aila.com.au

Vice-President: Scott Duell, Strata Community Insurance (SA)
Phone: 0431 000 896
Email: sduell2010@gmail.com

Immediate Past President: Cameron Roberts, Thomson Geer (Victoria)
Phone: 03 9641 8699
Email: croberts@tglaw.com.au

Secretary: Andrew Lillico, Insurance Commission of WA (WA)
Phone: 08 9264 3256
Email: andrew.lillico@icwa.wa.gov.au

Treasurer:Jillian Pancott, Sedgwick (NSW)
Phone: 02 8075 1675
Email: jillian.pancott@au.sedgwick.com

AIDA representative: Chris Rodd (Victoria, ex officio)
Phone: 0401 993 411
Email: chrisjrodd@gmail.com

YP representative: Jack Fairweather, McInnes Wilson Lawyers (Qld, ex officio)
Phone: 07 3014 6594
Email: jfairweather@mcw.com.au


President: Kavita Deobhakta, Morgan Coakle
Phone: +64 9 303 9001
Email: kdeobhakta@morgancoakle.co.nz

Vice-President: Petra Lucioli, Delta Insurance
Phone: +64 9 300 0165
Email: petra@deltainsurance.co.nz

Secretary: Frank Rose, Keegan Alexander
Phone: +64 9 303 1829
Email: frose@keegan.co.nz

Treasurer: Leon Briggs, Carter Briggs Hurle Ltd
Phone: +64 22 656 6780
Email: lbriggs@cbhadjusting.com

Secretariat: Carolyn Kay
Phone: +64 2 1299 9352
Email: secretariat@nzila.org

Immediate Past President: Myles Noble, Crombie Lockwood
Phone: 0800 252 461
Email: myles.noble@crombielockwood.co.nz

Melissa Borcoski; Maree Cowan; Richie Flinn; Megan Gall; Keegan Harpur; Nicola Hughes; Craig Langstone; Monica Maharaj; Geraldine Wishart; Peter Ziegler


Board members

Angus Kench, Liberty Specialty Markets (NSW)
Phone: 02 8298 5800
Email: Angus.Kench@LibertyGlobalGroup.com

Dan Robinson, Gilchrist Connell (NSW)
Phone: 02 8240 8025
Email: Drobinson@gclegal.com .au

David Lloyd, HDI Global (NSW)
Phone: 02 8274 2000
Email: David.Lloyd@hdi.global

Rebecca Pember, QBE (WA)
Phone: 08 9213 6141
Email: rebecca.pember@qbe.com

Tylie Petrovski, IAG (Qld)
Phone: 0411 010 457
Email: tylie.petrovski@cgu.com.au

Berren Hamilton, Stone Group Lawyers (Qld)
Phone: 07 3225 5923
Email: bhamilton@stonegroup.com.au

Andrea Petrocco, IAG (Vic)
Phone: 0418 100 347
Email: andrea.petrocco@iag.com.au

Matt Ellis, Clyde & Co (Vic)
Phone: 03 8600 7200
Email: matt.ellis@clydeco.com

Kate Stockford, Page Seager (Tas)
Phone: 03 6235 5155
Email: kstockford@pageseager.com.au

Darren Ferrari, Barrister (Vic)
Phone:  0412 124 076
Email:  darrenferrari@vicbar.com.au




Chair: Dan Robinson, Gilchrist Connell
Phone: 02 8240 8025
Email: Drobinson@gclegal.com.au


Chair: Lucy Terracall, Clayton Utz
Phone: 03 9286 6305
Email: lterracall@claytonutz.com

Treasurer: David Abell
Phone: 0438 058 662
Email: abelld@bigpond.com



Chair: Lani Carter, Sparke Helmore
Phone: 0414 744 735
Email: lani.carter@sparke.com.au

Secretary: Kimberley Miller-Owen, HWL Ebsworth
Phone: 08 8205 0800
Email: kmillerowen@hwle.com.au


Chair: Angie Gimisis, Hall and Wilcox
Phone: 08 9482 7905
Email: Angie.Gimisis@hallandwilcox.com.au

Treasurer: Heather Osborne, Sparke Helmore Lawyers
Phone: 08 9492 2224
Email: Heather.Osborne@sparke.com.au



Chair: Sarah Tuhtan, BMS Risk Solutions
Phone: 07 3052 8013
Email: sarah.tuhtan@bmsgroup.com

Secretary: Alex King, Colin Biggers & Paisley
Phone: 07 3002 5153
Email: alex.king@cbp.com.au


Chair: Lisa Rankin, Dobson Mitchell Allport
Phone: 03 6210 0010
Email: lis.rankin@doma.com.au




Resolve is compiled by Kate Tilley Journalism Pty Ltd on behalf of the Australian Insurance Law Association and the New Zealand Insurance Law Association.

Editor: Kate Tilley

Please forward contributions to:
KT Journalism
Email ktj@ktjournalism.com
Phone (07) 3831 7500
Level 3, 131 Leichhardt St, Spring Hill Qld 4000

Copy deadlines for 2024:
August issue – Monday 1 July
December issue – Monday 28 Oct
The post-conference issue will be distributed in October.


Editorial submissions

AILA encourages members to submit editorial contributions for consideration for publication in Resolve.

Contributions will be included and edited at the editor's discretion. They should be supplied as a Word document by email to ktj@ktjournalism.com well in advance of the final deadline.

Articles should cover topics of interest in furthering insurance law education, for example, case notes and commentary on topical issues. Articles should be non-technical, written in plain English, and fewer than 1,000 words.

Letters to the editor are also welcome, as are suggestions for leads the Resolve journalists can pursue.

For all editorial inquiries, please email editor Kate Tilley (see above) or phone + 61 7 3831 7500. We look forward to receiving your contributions – this is your publication, have your say.

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Resolve is the official publication of the Australian Insurance Law Association and
the New Zealand Insurance Law Association.