June 2024


Legislative changes broaden employers’ vicarious liability

Employers now have a positive duty to avoid workplace bullying and harassment, an AILA seminar has heard.

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feature stories

Shorter Award
deadline looms
View story

Police launch
recovery action
View story

Italy is Lani’s
holiday choice
View story

Insurer wins
fraud claim
View story

Abuse victim
wins damages
View story

Injured driver’s
appeal rejected
View story

Estate agent
burns home
View story

Court upholds
$1.5m award
View story

every issue
Chapter news
Read a roundup of activities around the AILA and NZILA chapters
Australia's Presidential Council representative reports
Upcoming events for AILA, NZILA and other insurance-related organisations
How to contact AILA/NZILA’s office bearers and Resolve’s editor
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Resolve is the official publication of the Australian Insurance Law Association and
the New Zealand Insurance Law Association.