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Insurance Law Prize
Nominees include insurers, reinsurers, adjusters, brokers, consultants, academics, judges and lawyers.


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Subject Search: "Law Reform"


Product design & pricing : influence of regulation and law [Powerpoint slides]2015 AILA National Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: Consumer Protection :: LAW REFORM242.78K
AUTHORS: Merkin, Robert & Enright, Ian14-Oct-2015

Product governance and intervention : FSI recommendations signal a new approach to regulation [Powerpoint slides](Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: LAW REFORM :: Regulation :: Consumer Protection394.55K
AUTHOR: Ellis, Matthew16/Oct/2015

Products liability : the Australian LAW REFORM Commission's reference. Commentary on a paper by Professor John Goldring. {BEGINS AT PAGE 207} 1988 AILA National Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: Product Liability :: Australian LAW REFORM Commission9.22 MB
AUTHORS: Snyman, P. C. A. & Goldring, John10/Aug/1988

Products liability : the Australian LAW REFORM Commission's reference {BEGINS AT PAGE 154} 1988 AILA National Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: Product Liability :: Australian LAW REFORM Commission9.22 MB
AUTHOR: Goldring, John10/Aug/1988

Regulation of insurers and brokers : financial solvency requirement, unfair competition {BEGINS AT PAGE 94}1990 AILA National Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: Insurance Industry :: Brokers :: Industry Regulation :: LAW REFORM8.90 MB
AUTHOR: Hanks, John7/Nov/1990

Bridging the gap : regulatory developments and outlook [Powerpoint slides] {BEGINS AT PAGE 2}2006 AILA National Conference
AUTHOR: Chapman, Keith2/Nov/2006

Important aspects of the proposed reforms to the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth)2007 Insurance Law Intensive
SUBJECTS COVERED: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) :: LAW REFORM :: Good Faith :: Duty of Disclosure :: Contracts358.35 KB
AUTHOR: Traves, Samantha17/May/2007

Effect of tort reform in Australia and the impact on pricing liability insurance2006 Insurance Law Intensive
SUBJECTS COVERED: Liability Insurance :: Public Liability :: LAW REFORM :: Torts357.68 KB
AUTHOR: McCarthy, Noel26/May/2006

Worth the wait? The insurance contracts act amendments2010 AILA National Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) :: LAW REFORM134.75 KB
AUTHORS: Milne, Nancy & Gerber, David27/Oct/2010

Australian insurance contract law : Out of the chaos - a modern, just and proportionate reforming statute2010 AILA National Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: LAW REFORM :: Hugh Rowell Memorial Lecture302.11 KB
AUTHOR: Kirby, Michael (Hon)28/Oct/2010

Dispute resolution : new ways of doing old things2009 AILA National Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: Dispute Resolution :: LAW REFORM50.50 KB
AUTHOR: Reinhardt, Greg15/Oct/2009

UK reform update2007 AILA / NZILA Joint Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: Disclosure :: Insurance Industry :: LAW REFORM :: United Kingdom :: Warranties90.50 KB
AUTHOR: Merkin, Robert21/Sep/2007

Damages and liability law : Reform? Harmonisation? Or roll back?2007 AILA / NZILA Joint Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: Quantum of Damages :: LAW REFORM :: Negligence :: Torts59.50 KB
AUTHOR: Leon, Renee21/Sep/2007

Is it fair, is it working? A defendant's perspective [Powerpoint slides]2007 AILA / NZILA Joint Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: LAW REFORM :: Personal Injuries :: Ipp Report268.00 KB
AUTHOR: Down, Michael21/Sep/2007

Insurance LAW REFORM : the path that lies ahead [Powerpoint slides]2007 AILA / NZILA Joint Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: Insurance Industry :: LAW REFORM1.12 MB
AUTHOR: Scroop, Brendon21/Sep/2007

Damages and liability reforms : "is it fair, is it working" [Powerpoint slides]2007 AILA / NZILA Joint Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: Quantum of Damages :: LAW REFORM :: Negligence :: Personal Injuries :: Torts362.00 KB
AUTHOR: Woollacott, Barrie21/Sep/2007

Damages and liability reforms : "is it fair, is it working"2007 AILA / NZILA Joint Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: Quantum of Damages :: LAW REFORM :: Negligence :: Personal Injuries :: Torts82.50 KB
AUTHOR: Woollacott, Barrie21/Sep/2007

Expert evidence : a review of the New Zealand position [Powerpoint slides]2007 AILA / NZILA Joint Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: Expert Evidence :: Expert Witnesses :: LAW REFORM :: New Zealand487.00 KB
AUTHOR: Fee, Phillipa20/Sep/2007

Something old, something new, something borrowed : the connections between New Zealand and Australian insurance industries and their impact on reform in New Zealand2007 AILA / NZILA Joint Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: LAW REFORM :: Insurance Industry :: New Zealand91.00 KB
AUTHOR: Robertson, Bruce (Hon Justice)20/Sep/2007

Professional indemnity : the implementation of professional standards legislation2006 AILA National Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: Professional Indemnity :: Standards :: Best Practice :: LAW REFORM49.35 KB
AUTHOR: Sainsbury, Kate1/Nov/2006



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