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Nominees include insurers, reinsurers, adjusters, brokers, consultants, academics, judges and lawyers.


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Author Search: Conference Papers

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Subject Search: "Disclosure"


SUBJECTS COVERED: ALRC :: Class action :: Reform :: DISCLOSURE :: Shareholder claims131.95K
AUTHOR: Justice S C Derrington1/11/18

Developments in Non-DISCLOSURE2018 National Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: Duty of DISCLOSURE :: Insurance :: Risk :: Duty of fair presentation :: Reasonable person361.60K
AUTHOR: Justice Anthony Meagher 1/11/18

Contracts Act revisited : The insurer's remedies for non-DISCLOSURE and non-DISCLOSURE as a basis for policy cancellation. Commentary on a paper by Michael Pickering. {BEGINS AT PAGE 158}1987 AILA National Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) :: DISCLOSURE6.83 MB
AUTHORS: Rares, Stephen & Pickering, Michael2/Aug/1987

Contracts Act revisited : The insurer's remedies for non-DISCLOSURE and non-DISCLOSURE as a basis for policy cancellation. Commentary on a paper by Michael Pickering. {BEGINS AT PAGE 152} 1987 AILA National Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) :: DISCLOSURE6.83 MB
AUTHORS: Kelly, Victor & Pickering, Michael2/Aug/1987

Contracts Act revisited : The insurer's remedies for non-DISCLOSURE and non-DISCLOSURE as a basis for policy cancellation {BEGINS AT PAGE 112} 1987 AILA National Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) :: DISCLOSURE6.83 MB
AUTHOR: Pickering, Michael2/Aug/1987

Contracts Act revisited : The 'insurer' as opposed to the prudent insurer test. Commentary on a paper by Paul Freeburn. {BEGINS AT PAGE 20} 1987 AILA National Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) :: Good Faith :: DISCLOSURE6.83 MB
AUTHORS: Marks, Frank & Freeburn, Paul2/Aug/1987

Contracts Act revisited : The 'insurer' as opposed to the prudent insurer test {BEGINS AT PAGE 3} 1987 AILA National Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) :: Good Faith :: DISCLOSURE6.83 MB
AUTHOR: Freeburn, Paul2/Aug/1987

Proving underwriting practices in court on issues of non-DISCLOSURE and breach of contract {BEGINS AT PAGE 204}1990 AILA National Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: DISCLOSURE :: Breach of Contract :: Misrepresentation8.90 MB
AUTHOR: Pickering, Michael7/Nov/1990

How far should the duty of DISCLOSURE go? {BEGINS AT PAGE 30}1990 AILA National Conference
AUTHOR: Curtain, David7/Nov/1990

Important aspects of the proposed reforms to the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth)2007 Insurance Law Intensive
SUBJECTS COVERED: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) :: Law Reform :: Good Faith :: Duty of DISCLOSURE :: Contracts358.35 KB
AUTHOR: Traves, Samantha17/May/2007

From 'buyer beware' to 'seller be fair' : a long and winding road, with a twist of lemon : An insurers obligation of pre-contractual DISCLOSURE [Powerpoint slides]2011 AILA National Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: Insurance Contracts :: Duty of DISCLOSURE :: Contracts933.50 KB
AUTHOR: Pynt, Greg

From 'buyer beware' to 'seller be fair' : a long and winding road, with a twist of lemon : An insurers obligation of pre-contractual DISCLOSURE2011 AILA National Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: Insurance Contracts :: Duty of DISCLOSURE :: Contracts196.50 KB
AUTHOR: Pynt, Greg

2007 Insurance law update2007 AILA / NZILA Joint Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: Case Studies :: DISCLOSURE :: Liability Insurance :: Professional Indemnity59.00 KB
AUTHOR: Weston, Tom (QC)21/Sep/2007

UK reform update2007 AILA / NZILA Joint Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: DISCLOSURE :: Insurance Industry :: Law Reform :: United Kingdom :: Warranties90.50 KB
AUTHOR: Merkin, Robert21/Sep/2007

Regulatory reform developments in New Zealand: ready, steady, jump2006 AILA National Conference
SUBJECTS COVERED: Financial Products :: DISCLOSURE Documents :: Industry Regulation49.50 KB
AUTHOR: Greig, Brian3/Nov/2006



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