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Nominees include insurers, reinsurers, adjusters, brokers, consultants, academics, judges and lawyers.


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Tempus Fugit: Managing Party-Party Costs Claims
SUBJECTS COVERED: Assessing bills :: Negotiating costs :: Taxation tips :: TIME recording887.81K
AUTHORS: Daniel Coster & Rebecca Pember14 August 2024

2024 Twilight 5 - The Financial Accountability RegIME And Its Implications For The Australian Insurance Industry2024 Twilight Series
SUBJECTS COVERED: Financial Accountability RegIME :: Background and context to FAR :: Overview of far and how it differs from BEAR :: Accountable persons2.75M
AUTHORS: Siobhan Doherty & Sharon Tumber & Paul Muir & Dr Robin Bowley24 July 2024

2024 Twilight 3 - A Smorgasbord Of Issues In Financial Lines2024 Twilight Series
SUBJECTS COVERED: The construction suit remedy and test for justiciability :: Double directness' and the intersection of crIME/cyber cover :: Loss and fraudualent non-disclosure in the context of crIME-cover :: Appeal from CIMIC Group Ltd v AIG Group Ltd1.27M
AUTHORS: Simon Fitzpatrick & Paul O'Brien19 June 2024

A Review of the Radically Changing Class Action Landscape and the Emerging Risks in 2024 for Corporate Australia
SUBJECTS COVERED: Class action types over tIME :: Class closure and registration :: Future trends and predictions2.53M
AUTHORS: Jason Betts & David Lloyd & Melissa Gladstone16 April 2024

What Lies Beneath
SUBJECTS COVERED: Water, electricity & gas legislation :: Limitation periods for property damage claims :: Proportionate liability regIME :: Principal/contractor/sub-contractor relationship :: Foreseeability1.66M
AUTHORS: Cameron Roberts & Tylie Petrovski12 March 2024

DMS MaritIME Pty Ltd v Navigators Corporate Underwriters Ltd & Ors [2020] QSC 382: Navigating between the Marine Insurance Act 1909 and the Insurance Contracts Act 1984
SUBJECTS COVERED: DMS MaritIME Pty Ltd v Navigators Corporate Underwriters Ltd & Ors [2020] QSC 382 :: Marine Insurance Act 1909 :: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 :: Policy :: ACPB Contract 4.80M
AUTHORS: Chris Finn & Peter Craney & Joseph Nicholls25 August 2021

Vailidity of Telehealth IME Assessments
SUBJECTS COVERED: Telehealth :: IME :: Tassal Operations Pty Ltd v L. [2020] TASWRCT 28 (12 August 2020) :: Impairment :: Virtual medical and impairment assessments 1.29M
AUTHORS: Peter Sharman & Dr Janusz Bonlowski2 February 2021

Lighthouse in the Fog
SUBJECTS COVERED: Coverage :: D&O :: Financial Accountability RegIME :: Banking Executive Accountability RegIME :: Banking Royal Commission343.24K
AUTHORS: Christopher Johnstone & Nola Pearce & Kristi Riedel29 April 2020

Feeling Bamboozled? Recent Developments in TPD ClaimsLife Insurance
SUBJECTS COVERED: TPD claims :: Medical evidence :: Alternative employment :: IME :: Self-reporting1.08M
AUTHORS: Michael Rowe & Matthew Harding and Jason Stevens & Stan Drummond28/8/19

Workers Compensation Masterclass presentation [Powerpoint slides]Workers Compensation Masterclass
SUBJECTS COVERED: Workers Compensation :: Case Management :: TIME :: Costs967.43K
AUTHOR: Webster, Rob2017

Mind your own business (saved as 'Mandatory data breach notification') [Powerpoint slides](Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: Data Protection :: Information Technology :: Cyber CrIMEs :: Computer Networks792.83K
AUTHOR: Carrigan, Dean21/Jun/2017

Section 54 resolved? : What has this got to do with non-disclosure and policy drafting?(Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: Section 54 (Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth)) :: Disclosure :: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) :: TIME :: Notifications361.00K
AUTHOR: Allsop (Justice)24/Jun/2015

Cyber risks : insurance for the digital age [Powerpoint slides](Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: Information Technology :: Cyber CrIME :: Data Protection :: Computer Networks825.00 KB
AUTHORS: Taylor, Andrew & Miers, Andrew28/May/2014

Limitation periods {BEGINS AT PAGE 7}Law for Insurers
SUBJECTS COVERED: Limitation Periods :: Third Parties :: Industrial Accidents :: TIME4.68 MB
AUTHORS: Lee, David & O'Connor, Sean15/Nov/2006

Legal perspective : emerging cyber risks to businesses(Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: Information Technology :: Cyber CrIME :: Data Protection :: Computer Networks4.57 MB
AUTHOR: Burrows, Malcolm16/Oct/2012

The scenario "pole blues" [Hypothetical]Law for Insurers
SUBJECTS COVERED: Latency Claims :: TIME103.90 KB
AUTHOR: Bristow, Andrew8/May/2008

Limitation periodsLaw for Insurers
SUBJECTS COVERED: Limitation Periods :: TIME :: Compulsory Third Party Insurance (CTP) :: Latency Claims1.69 MB
AUTHORS: Lee, David & O'Connor, Sean8/May/2008

Should medical malpractice cover criminal negligence? [Powerpoint slides](Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: Medical Treatment :: Medical Liability :: Negligence :: CrIMEs77.50 KB
AUTHOR: McCay, Harry10/Nov/2010

Caught in the headlights : motor accidents update(Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: TIME :: Motor Vehicles :: Motor Accident Compensation :: Case Studies1.71 MB
AUTHOR: Cassidy, Belinda17/Mar/2011

ANZIIF / AILA general insurance law annual review 2010 seminar [Powerpoint slides]General Insurance Law Annual Review
SUBJECTS COVERED: Case Studies :: TIME :: Comparative Law 176.12 KB
AUTHOR: Terracall, Lucy19/May/2010

Ramifications of Dossett v TKJ Nominees Pty Ltd [2001] HCA 69 from a defendant's point of view(Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: Assessment of Damages :: TIME30.00 KB
AUTHOR: McCann, Philip24/Apr/2004

Too many tIME limits (Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: TIME :: Limitation Periods142.52 KB
AUTHOR: Sorgiovanni, Rebecca23/Feb/2005

Choosing your life raft : a review of section 6 Law Reform (miscellaneous provisions) Act 1946 and its analogues(Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: Third Parties :: TIME1.30 MB
AUTHOR: Rein, Nigel5/Jul/2006

Claims made : policies in Australia are at the cross-roads(Nil)
AUTHOR: Beaton, RobertSpeaker papers

The law of limitations. [ Include handout - summary of Mark Wilson v Jack Rigg (2000 NSWSC 16)](Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: Limitation Periods :: TIME :: Conflict of Interest :: Latency Claims1.35 MB
AUTHOR: Hall, Peter M.8/Mar/2000

The tenth anniversary of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984(Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) :: TIME768.67 KB
AUTHOR: Mann, Peter18/Mar/1996

FAI v Perry : it is not dead following AnticoSpotlight on Insurance Issues
SUBJECTS COVERED: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) :: Limitation of Actions :: TIME :: Contractual Indemnities618.01 KB
AUTHOR: Ball, Michael4/Jun/1998

FAI v Perry : is it dead? Spotlight on Insurance Issues
SUBJECTS COVERED: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) :: Limitation of Actions :: TIME :: Contractual Indemnities546.27 KB
AUTHOR: Milne, Nancy4/Jun/1998

Limitation periods in personal injury and generally(Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: Limitation Periods :: TIME :: Latency Claims :: Third Parties :: Compulsory Third Party Insurance (CTP)1.53 MB
AUTHOR: Lee, DavidJuly/August 1995

Limitation periods, discovery and privilege [May 1995]Law for Insurers
SUBJECTS COVERED: Limitation Periods :: Discovery :: Privilege :: TIME1.39 MB
AUTHOR: Williams, Mark9/May/1995

Limitation periods, discovery and privilege [May 1994]Law for Insurers
SUBJECTS COVERED: Limitation Periods :: Discovery :: Privilege :: TIME917.55 KB
AUTHOR: Williams, Mark9/May/1994

Limitation periods : discovery and privilegeLaw for Insurers
SUBJECTS COVERED: Limitation Periods :: Discovery :: Privilege :: TIME1.39 MB
AUTHOR: Williams, MarkMay 1985

Limitation periodsLaw for Insurers
SUBJECTS COVERED: Limitation Periods :: Third Parties :: Industrial Accidents :: Dust Diseases :: TIME1.74 MB
AUTHORS: Lee, David & O'Connor, Sean7/May/2009

Insurance for cyber-torts(Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: Information Technology :: Cyber CrIME :: Internet :: Data Protection :: Computer Networks692.40 KB
AUTHOR: Axelrod, Peter1/Sep/2000

Gradual pollution and retrospective liability(Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: Pollution :: Contaminated Land :: TIME :: Environmental Liability :: Netherlands95.37 KB
AUTHOR: Wansink, John H.5/Aug/1994

Defence of fraud claims in relation to fires on behalf of insurers and a number of case studies(Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: Fires :: Arson :: Investigations :: CrIMEs :: Fraud1.06 MB
AUTHOR: Vass, Ric1986

Could it be arson? How can you tell? : A guide for claim representatives(Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: Fires :: Arson :: Investigations :: CrIMEs2.08 MB
AUTHOR: Sainsbury, Bruce13/Oct/1986

Australian Insurance Law Association discussion group (: the investigator's role in the investigation of arson and fraud cases)(Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: Fires :: Arson :: Investigations :: CrIMEs :: Fraud1.04 MB
AUTHOR: (Unattributed)30/Oct/1986

Arson - fraud - the insurer can win : Paper 1 - How the police can help / Anderson; Paper 2 - Judgement for the defendant - it can be done / Coldbeck(Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: Fires :: Arson :: Investigations :: CrIMEs :: Fraud841.16 KB
AUTHORS: Anderson, A. J. & Coldbeck, Peter15/May/1985



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