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Series Search: "2013 AILA National Conference"


Australian arbitration law : out on a limb or at the cutting edge? [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECTS COVERED: Commercial Arbitration :: Arbitration445.64 KB
AUTHORS: Hawke, Fred & Reinsurance Working Party18/Sep/2013

The Insurance Contracts Act amendments : surfing the next wave (The Insurance Contracts Amendment Act 2013) [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECT COVERED: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth)195.72 KB
AUTHORS: Mann, Peter & Kaley, Mathew20/Sep/2013

Emerging risks : known unknowns in an unsafe harbour [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
AUTHOR: Campbell, John20/Sep/2013

SUBJECTS COVERED: Risk :: Natural Disasters5.53 MB
AUTHOR: Jaimes, Gabor20/Sep/2013

Cyber insurance : the new must have policy [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECTS COVERED: Information Technology :: Cyber Crime6.70 MB
AUTHORS: Taylor, Andrew & Black, Paul20/Sep/2013

ABC of reinsurance : a is for aggregation and allocation [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECT COVERED: Reinsurance49.16 KB
AUTHOR: Merkin, Robert20/Sep/2013

View from the broker2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECTS COVERED: Insurance Industry :: Brokers166.36 KB
AUTHOR: Booth, Dallas19/Sep/2013

View from the broker [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECTS COVERED: Insurance Industry :: Brokers193.07 KB
AUTHOR: Booth, Dallas19/Sep/2013

The new Sutton on Insurance : insurance law for the third millennium [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECTS COVERED: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) :: Regulation113.12 KB
AUTHORS: Enright, Ian & Merkin, Robert19/Sep/2013

Dire consequences of consequential loss : the legal perspective; the broking perspective; the insurers perspective; failure to realise full indemnity [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECT COVERED: Consequential Loss Insurance2.64 MB
AUTHORS: Gerber, David & Karalis, George & Thomas, Andrew19/Sep/2013

Reinsurance regulation in Australia : an overview2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECTS COVERED: Reinsurance :: Regulation406.62 KB
AUTHOR: Radford, Mark18/Sep/2013

AIDA arbitration debate : should courts review arbitration awards? Case study - Westport Insurance v Gordian [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECT COVERED: Arbitration465.33 KB
AUTHOR: Griffiths, Tim18/Sep/2013

The case against Westport v Gordian [2011] HCA 37 [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECT COVERED: Arbitration58.88 KB
AUTHORS: Merkin, Robert & Reinsurance Working Party18/Sep/2013

Regulation of reinsurance : should there be a difference between regulation of insurance and reinsurance? [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECTS COVERED: Reinsurance :: Regulation403.50 KB
AUTHOR: Gürses, Özlem18/Sep/2013

Reinsurance regulation in Australia : an overview [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECTS COVERED: Reinsurance :: Regulation138.66 KB
AUTHOR: Radford, Mark

Climate change, motor vehicles and insurance : taming the beast - Agenda2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECTS COVERED: Motor Vehicles :: Renewable Energy :: Climate Change72.27 KB
AUTHORS: Climate Change Working Party (AIDA) & Motor Insurance Working Party18/Sep/2013

Climate change, motor vehicles and insurance : taming the beast [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECTS COVERED: Motor Vehicles :: Renewable Energy :: Climate Change605.07 KB
AUTHORS: Climate Change Working Party (AIDA) & Motor Insurance Working Party18/Sep/2013

Marine insurance : subrogation under Australian / English [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECTS COVERED: Marine Insurance :: Subrogation :: United Kingdom337.53 KB
AUTHORS: Hetherington, Stuart & Marine Insurance Working Party18/Sep/2013

Subrogation under Japanese Law [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECTS COVERED: Marine Insurance :: Subrogation186.57 KB
AUTHORS: Nakaide, Satoshi (Professor) & Marine Insurance Working Party18/Sep/2013

National reports on difficulties arising from recourse actions on basis of subrogation : subrogation under German law [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECTS COVERED: Subrogation :: Germany156.02 KB
AUTHORS: Koch, Robert & Marine Insurance Working Party18/Sep/2013

Offshore energy insurance : risks in Australia from an underwriter's perspective [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECTS COVERED: Offshore Resources :: Disasters3.29 MB
AUTHORS: Kobayashi, Hiroaki & Marine Insurance Working Party18/Sep/2013

Introduction to the possible rules for limitation of carriers' liability under Taiwan law while cargo underwriters file subrogation claims against carriers [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECTS COVERED: Carriers :: Subrogation :: Reinsurance :: Taiwan273.00 KB
AUTHOR: Lee, Gilbert18/Sep/2013

Insurance ombudsman systems in the United Kingdom and Germany [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECTS COVERED: Dispute Resolution :: United Kingdom :: Germany :: Ombudsmen179.29 KB
AUTHOR: Unan, Samim18/Sep/2013

Resolving insurance disputes without resort to litigation presentation : The Financial Ombudsman Service in Australia [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECTS COVERED: Dispute Resolution :: Ombudsmen1.11 MB
AUTHORS: Tsacalos, Ashley (Dr) & Consumer Protection & Dispute Resolution Working Party18/Sep/2013

Liability insurance working party [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECT COVERED: Litigation Funding37.49 KB
AUTHORS: Stech, Radek & Merkin, Robert & Liability Insurance Working Party18/Sep/2013

New Chilean regulation of liability insurance2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECTS COVERED: Chile :: Liability Insurance186.00 KB
AUTHORS: Contreras-Strauch, Osvaldo & Civil Liability Working Party18/Sep/2013

Settlement with third parties under the general law and under statute [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECTS COVERED: Third Parties :: Settlements :: Professional Indemnity1.01 MB
AUTHORS: McKenna, David & Civil Liability Insurance Working Party18/Sep/2013

NDIS update : where to from here? [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECTS COVERED: National Disability Insurance Scheme {NDIS) :: Disabled Persons :: Personal Injuries :: Accident Compensation404.08 KB
AUTHOR: Maini, Mary18/Sep/2013

DisabilityCare Australia : the National Disability Insurance Scheme [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECTS COVERED: National Disability Insurance Scheme {NDIS) :: Disabled Persons :: Personal Injuries :: Accident Compensation733.95 KB
AUTHOR: Bowen, David18/Sep/2013

Directors' & officers liability : is there a safe harbour? [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECTS COVERED: Directors Liability :: Liability Insurance :: Company Directors :: Corporate Governance824.86 KB
AUTHORS: Sparks, Naseema & Scott-Mackenzie, Jeremy18/Sep/2013

Green car insurance : motor vehicles and climate change [Powerpoint slides]2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECTS COVERED: Motor Vehicles :: Renewable Energy :: Climate Change735.34 KB
AUTHORS: Landini, Sara (Prof) (Chair) & Sharon, Peggy (Adv) (Vice-Chair) & Motor Insurance Working Party18/Sep/2013

2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE advertising brochure (e-zine)2013 AILA NATIONAL CONFERENCE
SUBJECT COVERED: AILA National Conference1.14 MB
AUTHOR: (Unattributed)



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