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Subject Search: "Policy "


Causation in Insurance: The text and the context
SUBJECTS COVERED: Causation :: POLICY Interpretation :: Proximate Cause :: Concurrent causes :: COVID3.28M
AUTHORS: Darren Ferrari & Jehan Mata18 October 2022

Twilight Seminar Series: T6 | Missing the Bus: Deficient Notification of Potential POLICY Claims
SUBJECTS COVERED: Claims Management :: Notification :: Insurance Contracts Act :: POLICY Interpretation :: Misrepresentation147.17K
AUTHORS: Jonathan Newby & Julie Morgan & Laurent McRae12 October 2022

Casualty @AILA Staying on Top of Product Recall Claims
SUBJECTS COVERED: Product recall :: Product recall claim :: Product recall POLICY coverage :: Management of recall claims :: Australian Consumer Law1.76M
AUTHORS: Belinda Henningham & Martin Miller & Robert Luttrell23 February 2022

Casualty @AILA Staying on Top of Product Recall Claims
SUBJECTS COVERED: Product recall :: Product recall claim :: Product recall POLICY coverage :: Management of recall claims :: Australian Consumer Law
AUTHORS: Belinda Henningham & Martin Miller & Robert Luttrell23 February 2022

DMS Maritime Pty Ltd v Navigators Corporate Underwriters Ltd & Ors [2020] QSC 382: Navigating between the Marine Insurance Act 1909 and the Insurance Contracts Act 1984
SUBJECTS COVERED: DMS Maritime Pty Ltd v Navigators Corporate Underwriters Ltd & Ors [2020] QSC 382 :: Marine Insurance Act 1909 :: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 :: POLICY :: ACPB Contract 4.80M
AUTHORS: Chris Finn & Peter Craney & Joseph Nicholls25 August 2021

2018 Annual General Insurance Law Review Case Note Book
SUBJECTS COVERED: Insurance Contracts Act :: POLICY Construction & Indemnity :: Professionals and Directors & Officers :: Direct Access Against Insurers :: Duty of Care, Causation & Damages2.48M
AUTHORS: Chern Tan, Rehana Box & Ray Giblett & Andrew Sharpe, Sybilla Waring-LambertFebruary 2018

2018 Annual General Insurance Law Review Case Note Book
SUBJECTS COVERED: Insurance Contracts Act :: POLICY Construction & Indemnity :: Professionals and Directors & Officers :: Direct Access Against Insurers :: Duty of Care, Causation & Damages
AUTHORS: Chern Tan, Rehana Box & Ray Giblett & Andrew Sharpe, Sybilla Waring-LambertFebruary 2018

Under Construction: Interpreting Insuring & Exclusion Clauses in Insurance Policies2018 Sir Ninian Stephen Masterclass
SUBJECTS COVERED: Interpretation of insurance contracts :: Commercial purpose :: POLICY coverage :: Clause construction :: Exclusion clauses529.63K
AUTHOR: Brenda McGivern17 August 2018

Professional Liability Update2018 Twilight seminars
SUBJECTS COVERED: POLICY construction :: Exclusion clauses :: Advocates immunity :: Legal practitioner liability :: Professional liability 790.01K
AUTHOR: Gregory Sirtes SC29 August 2018



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