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Nominees include insurers, reinsurers, adjusters, brokers, consultants, academics, judges and lawyers.


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SUBJECTS COVERED: Climate :: Fraud :: Section56 INSURANCE contracts act :: Surveillance :: Fiduciary duties7.34M
AUTHORS: Paul Birkett & The Honourable Patrick Keane AC & Peter Plustwik, Colin Pausey, Hans Weemaes, Dr Martin Wood, Dr Lucas Murphy, Kate Johnstone, Samantha Traves, Rod Trevor, Jock Cifuentes, Jacinta Long, Yolanda Suarez, Monique Maloney, Robin Cooper-Driver, Alison Haly

Twilight Seminar Series: T6 | Missing the Bus: Deficient Notification of Potential Policy Claims
SUBJECTS COVERED: Claims Management :: Notification :: INSURANCE Contracts Act :: Policy Interpretation :: Misrepresentation147.17K
AUTHORS: Jonathan Newby & Julie Morgan & Laurent McRae12 October 2022

Part 1: Contractual Indemnities Mind the (uninsured) Gap!
SUBJECTS COVERED: Contractual indemnities :: Erect Safe Scaffolding (Australia) Pty Ltd v Sutton (2008) 72 NSWLR 1 :: Contractors INSURANCE :: Contractually assumed liability exclusion :: Negligence1.12M
AUTHORS: Sarah Tuhtan & Kevin Holyoak & Sarah Tuhtan12 May 2022

Faulty Towers Commercial Arbitration and the INSURANCE Contracts Act
SUBJECTS COVERED: Commercial Arbitration :: INSURANCE Contracts Act :: Construction contracts :: UNCITRAL Model Law 2.29M
AUTHORS: Laina Chan & Fred Hawke22 February 2022

An Update on the New GICOP
SUBJECTS COVERED: 2020 GICOP :: Code Governance :: General INSURANCE :: Code of Practice :: Hardship690.89K
AUTHORS: Annabelle Butler & Paul Holmes & Rene van de Rijdt15 September 2021

Management Liability: Unpacking The Package 
SUBJECTS COVERED: Management Liability :: INSURANCE :: Directors and Officers Liability :: Third party756.10K
AUTHORS: Raisa Conchin & Michael babington & Carrie Wright18 November 2021

2021 Annual Life INSURANCE Law Review
SUBJECTS COVERED: INSURANCE law review :: Death Claims :: TPD Claims :: Design and distribution obligations :: ASIC2.25M
AUTHORS: Pamela McAlister & Rehanna Box & David Arribas9 November 2021

Insuarnce Law 101 What Emerging Professionals Need to Know
SUBJECTS COVERED: INSURANCE Law 101 :: APRA's role :: INSURANCE Contracts Act :: ASIC's role :: Regulation912.33K
AUTHOR: Dr Robin Bowley27 October 2021

Insuring the Unruly Horse: Illegality and Public Policy in INSURANCE Contracts and Claims
SUBJECTS COVERED: Illegality :: Public Policy :: INSURANCE contracts :: INSURANCE claims 3.83M
AUTHOR: Darren Ferrari 14 October2021

Force Majeure Clauses Who will be Liable when things go off the rails?
SUBJECTS COVERED: Force majeure :: Woolworths Group Ltd v Twentieth Super Pace Nominees Pty Ltd [2021] NSWSC 344 :: INSURANCE :: Contracts :: Contract interpretation1.59M
AUTHORS: Geoff Farnsworth & Joshua Clarke13 October 2021

Managing Regulatory Investigations: Key Issues For Insurers And Insureds
SUBJECTS COVERED: Managing Regulatory Investigations :: Governance and Response plan :: INSURANCE Ramifications :: Legal Representaiton Expenses :: Expenses703.10K
AUTHORS: Belinda Speirs & Mark Ronan 6 October 2021

Changes to the Duty of Disclosure: Game Changer?
SUBJECTS COVERED: Duty of Disclosure :: Good faith :: Misrepresentation :: INSURANCE Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) :: Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response) Act 2020 (Cth) 1.35M
AUTHORS: Daniel Briggs & Anthea Karvounaris2nd September, 2021

It's not about the loudest voice: A Review of the New Regime for Complaints Handling
SUBJECTS COVERED: Complaints handling :: ASIC RG 271 :: Regulation :: Internal dispute resolution :: General INSURANCE Code of Practice3.46M

Unfair Contract Terms and its Application to the INSURANCE Contracts Act in a post Hayne Worls
SUBJECTS COVERED: Unfair Contract Terms :: INSURANCE Contracts Act :: Banking Royal Commission :: Competition and Consumer Act :: Consumer Law831.92K

"Utmost GoUod Faith: Just When We Thought We Knew Everything"
SUBJECTS COVERED: Utmost Good Faith :: Claims :: Fairness :: Life INSURANCE Code of practice :: Banking Royal Commission1.26M

DMS Maritime Pty Ltd v Navigators Corporate Underwriters Ltd & Ors [2020] QSC 382: Navigating between the Marine INSURANCE Act 1909 and the INSURANCE Contracts Act 1984
SUBJECTS COVERED: DMS Maritime Pty Ltd v Navigators Corporate Underwriters Ltd & Ors [2020] QSC 382 :: Marine INSURANCE Act 1909 :: INSURANCE Contracts Act 1984 :: Policy :: ACPB Contract 4.80M
AUTHORS: Chris Finn & Peter Craney & Joseph Nicholls25 August 2021

TWILIGHT 4 - The Present and Future of INSURANCE Law
SUBJECTS COVERED: INSURANCE Law :: Present :: Future :: 2021 cases 1.87M
AUTHOR: David Lloyd SC19 August 2021

2018 Annual General INSURANCE Law Review Case Note Book
SUBJECTS COVERED: INSURANCE Contracts Act :: Policy Construction & Indemnity :: Professionals and Directors & Officers :: Direct Access Against Insurers :: Duty of Care, Causation & Damages2.48M
AUTHORS: Chern Tan, Rehana Box & Ray Giblett & Andrew Sharpe, Sybilla Waring-LambertFebruary 2018

2018 Annual General INSURANCE Law Review Case Note Book
SUBJECTS COVERED: INSURANCE Contracts Act :: Policy Construction & Indemnity :: Professionals and Directors & Officers :: Direct Access Against Insurers :: Duty of Care, Causation & Damages
AUTHORS: Chern Tan, Rehana Box & Ray Giblett & Andrew Sharpe, Sybilla Waring-LambertFebruary 2018

2021 Annual General INSURANCE Law Review (One major event:Two Access Points)
SUBJECTS COVERED: INSURANCE Contracts Act :: Notification :: Year in Review :: Duty of Care :: Class Actions6.42M
AUTHORS: Matt Ellis & Robert Minc & Lucy Terracell23 & 24 March 2021

Uncertain Times: Is Captive Right for You? FinLine@AILA
SUBJECTS COVERED: Self insurance :: Captive :: ReINSURANCE :: Financial lines :: Hard market287.68K
AUTHORS: Stuart Herbert & Zoe Sweeney & Craig Claughton16 February 2021

Clinical Trials in Insurance
SUBJECTS COVERED: Clinical Trials Insurance :: Risk :: Compensation :: INSURANCE solutions :: COVID-191.98M
AUTHORS: Heath Badger & Stephen Hughes & Will Clarke30 November 2020

Build it up or Tear it Down? Issues and Challenges in the construction PI Market
SUBJECTS COVERED: Construction :: PI Market :: Challenges :: Issues :: PI INSURANCE 1.49M
AUTHORS: George Karalis & Natasha Stojanovich19 November 2020

Eyes Forward: Future Issues in Insurance
SUBJECTS COVERED: Globe Church Incorporated v Allianz Australia INSURANCE Ltd & Anor [2019] NSWCA 27 :: Limitation Period :: Federal Court INSURANCE List :: INSURANCE Disputes :: INSURANCE Law Developments1.14M
AUTHOR: Carolyn Moss30 July 2020

General INSURANCE Code of Practice - Cracking The Code
SUBJECTS COVERED: General INSURANCE Code of Practice :: Claims Handling :: Claims Assessment :: Financial Hardship :: Claims Investigation662.84K
AUTHORS: Jane Reid & Luke Taylor23 July 2020

Travel INSURANCE and Covid 19
SUBJECTS COVERED: Travel Insurance :: Covid 19 :: AFCA :: Travel INSURANCE Exclusions 2.51M
AUTHORS: Jessica Tat & Elizabeth Esber22/07/2021

Geoff Masel Lecture 2020 The changing Manifestation of Risk
SUBJECTS COVERED: Risk :: good faith :: INSURANCE contacts act :: unfair contracts :: Unconscionability240.66K
AUTHOR: The Hon CJ Allsop AO 10 June 2020

10 Myths about INSURANCE law litigationUnder the Magnifying Glass: 2019 QLD Intensive
SUBJECTS COVERED: Civil liability :: INSURANCE law :: Litigation :: Personal injury :: Myths401.94K
AUTHOR: Roslyn Atkinson AO24/5/19

The Continuing Evolution of the ReINSURANCE MarketUnder the Magnifying Glass: 2019 QLD Intensive
SUBJECTS COVERED: ReINSURANCE market :: Investment :: Capital management :: Risk transfer :: Risk management723.29K
AUTHOR: John Philipsz24/5/19

Cuthbert at the Commission2018 Sir Ninian Stephen Masterclass
SUBJECTS COVERED: ReINSURANCE :: Historical events3.36M
AUTHORS: Dr Ian Enright & Greg Pynt17 August 2018

Should the INSURANCE Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) be amended so it regulates reinsurance?2018 Sir Ninian Stephen Masterclass
SUBJECTS COVERED: ReINSURANCE :: Reform :: INSURANCE Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) :: Relationship between insured and insurer :: Common law327.61K
AUTHOR: Peter Mann17 August 2018

Under Construction: Interpreting Insuring & Exclusion Clauses in INSURANCE Policies2018 Sir Ninian Stephen Masterclass
SUBJECTS COVERED: Interpretation of INSURANCE contracts :: Commercial purpose :: Policy coverage :: Clause construction :: Exclusion clauses529.63K
AUTHOR: Brenda McGivern17 August 2018

The Construction of Adjacent Indemnity and INSURANCE Procurement Clauses in Commercial Contracts2018 Sir Ninian Stephen Masterclass
SUBJECTS COVERED: Indemnities :: Construction of indemnities :: Commercial contracts :: INSURANCE procurement clause :: Construction of clauses173.67K
AUTHOR: Ivan Griscti17 August 2018

The Construction of Adjacent Indemnity and INSURANCE Procurement Clauses in Commercial Contracts2018 Sir Ninian Stephen Masterclass
SUBJECTS COVERED: Indemnities :: Construction of indemnities :: Commercial contracts :: INSURANCE procurement clause :: Construction of clauses132.30K
AUTHOR: Ivan Griscti17 August 2018

What is the difference between non-disclosure and misrepresentation?2018 Sir Ninian Stephen Masterclass
SUBJECTS COVERED: Duty of utmost good faith :: Duty of disclosure :: INSURANCE Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) :: Misrepresentation :: Non-disclosure369.46K
AUTHOR: Mark Doepel17 August 2018

Not drowning - waiving: Waiver of the Duty of Disclosure under section 21(2)(d) of the INSURANCE Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) and at common law2018 Sir Ninian Stephen Masterclass
SUBJECTS COVERED: Waiver (or wavier of the duty of disclosure) :: INSURANCE Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) s 21 :: Eligible contracts :: Insurer’s questions :: Statutory or Contractual waiver130.47K
AUTHOR: Fred Hawke17 August 2018

Not drowning - waiving: Waiver of the Duty of Disclosure under section 21(2)(d) of the INSURANCE Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) and at common law2018 Sir Ninian Stephen Masterclass
SUBJECTS COVERED: Duty of disclosure :: INSURANCE Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) s 21 :: Waiver of rights and remedies clauses :: Insurer’s questions :: Eligible contracts174.29K
AUTHOR: Fred Hawke17 August 2018

Knowledge and Pre-Contract Disclosure under the INSURANCE Contracts Act2018 Sir Ninian Stephen Masterclass
SUBJECTS COVERED: Duty to disclose :: Knowledge :: INSURANCE Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) s 21 :: Brokers or agents knowledge :: Known to the insured 594.85K
AUTHORS: Professor Julie-Anne Tarr & Dr Tony Tarr17 August 2018

Third Party Claims Against Insurers 2018 Twilight seminars
SUBJECTS COVERED: Civil Liability (Third Party Claims Against Insurers) Act 2017 :: Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1946 (NSW) s 6 :: INSURANCE contracts :: Reform :: Discretionary considerations 277.72K
AUTHOR: Ivan Griscti22 August 2018

Third Party Claims Against Insurers - the new landscape2018 Twilight seminars
SUBJECTS COVERED: Civil Liability (Third Party Claims Against Insurers) Act 2017 :: Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1946 (NSW) s 6 :: INSURANCE contracts :: Reform :: Discretionary considerations 266.74K
AUTHOR: Ivan Griscti22 August 2018

Civil Liability (Third Party Claims Against Insurers) Act - an industry perspective2018 Twilight seminars
SUBJECTS COVERED: INSURANCE Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) s 51 :: Civil Liability Act 2017 (NSW) s 10 :: Lawcover :: Third party claims against insurers :: Agreement between insurer and insured 175.63K
AUTHOR: Elissa Baxter22 August 2018

NDIS : legal issues for INSURANCE (AILA NSW AGM) [Powerpoint slides](Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: National Disability INSURANCE Scheme (NDIS) :: Disabled Persons693.82K
AUTHOR: Enright, Ian2017

NDIS : legal issues for INSURANCE (AILA Hobart) [Powerpoint slides](Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: National Disability INSURANCE Scheme (NDIS) :: Disabled Persons706.15K
AUTHOR: Enright, Ian2017

A view from Down Under : 2017 AIDA Presidential Council Presentation [Powerpoint slides](Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: International Association for INSURANCE Law (AIDA) :: Australian INSURANCE Law Association (AILA)1.23M
AUTHOR: Kench, Angus17/Oct/2017

Annual General INSURANCE Law Review 2017 QLD Case Notes BookGeneral INSURANCE Law Annual Review
SUBJECTS COVERED: Case Studies :: Year in Review :: INSURANCE Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) :: Company Directors :: Causation2.15M
AUTHOR: Various2017

Annual General INSURANCE Law Review 2017 NSW Case Notes BookGeneral INSURANCE Law Annual Review
SUBJECTS COVERED: Case Studies :: Year in Review :: INSURANCE Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) :: Company Directors :: Causation2.22M
AUTHOR: Various2017

Annual General INSURANCE Law Review 2017 VIC Case Notes BookGeneral INSURANCE Law Annual Review
SUBJECTS COVERED: Case Studies :: Year in Review :: INSURANCE Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) :: Company Directors :: Causation2.22M
AUTHOR: Various2017

AILA AGM 11 October 2017 : documents [Annual report 2016-17; AILA by numbers; President message; Notice of AGM; Agenda; Proxy form; Minutes of 2016 AGM; Directors' report; Financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2016]AILA AGM
SUBJECTS COVERED: Australian INSURANCE Law Association (AILA) :: Archives11.56M
AUTHOR: n/a11/Oct/2017

INSURANCE 2020 and beyond [Powerpoint slides](Nil)
AUTHOR: Hadfield, ScottMay 2017

Brexit and the impact on Lloyd's and the INSURANCE market {Powerpoint slides](Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: Lloyd's Insurance :: Brexit :: INSURANCE Industry1.72M
AUTHOR: Mackinnon, Chris12/Apr/2017



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