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Subject Search: "Claims "


CLAIMS Handling and Misconduct: The Views of ASIC, AFCA & Code Compliance
SUBJECTS COVERED: AFCA :: CLAIMS Handling :: ASIC :: Complaints523.55K
AUTHORS: Chris Liamos & Prue Monument & Dr Rhys Bollen7 December 2022

Twilight Seminar Series: T6 | Missing the Bus: Deficient Notification of Potential Policy Claims
SUBJECTS COVERED: CLAIMS Management :: Notification :: Insurance Contracts Act :: Policy Interpretation :: Misrepresentation147.17K
AUTHORS: Jonathan Newby & Julie Morgan & Laurent McRae12 October 2022

Casualty @AILA Staying on Top of Product Recall Claims
SUBJECTS COVERED: Product recall :: Product recall claim :: Product recall policy coverage :: Management of recall CLAIMS :: Australian Consumer Law1.76M
AUTHORS: Belinda Henningham & Martin Miller & Robert Luttrell23 February 2022

Casualty @AILA Staying on Top of Product Recall Claims
SUBJECTS COVERED: Product recall :: Product recall claim :: Product recall policy coverage :: Management of recall CLAIMS :: Australian Consumer Law
AUTHORS: Belinda Henningham & Martin Miller & Robert Luttrell23 February 2022

2021 Annual Life Insurance Law Review
SUBJECTS COVERED: Insurance law review :: Death CLAIMS :: TPD CLAIMS :: Design and distribution obligations :: ASIC2.25M
AUTHORS: Pamela McAlister & Rehanna Box & David Arribas9 November 2021

Insuring the Unruly Horse: Illegality and Public Policy in Insurance Contracts and Claims
SUBJECTS COVERED: Illegality :: Public Policy :: Insurance contracts :: Insurance CLAIMS 3.83M
AUTHOR: Darren Ferrari 14 October2021

The New Epidemic: CLAIMS For Psychiatric Injury - An Update
SUBJECTS COVERED: Psychiatric Injury :: CLAIMS :: Foreseeability :: Koehler :: Damages790.43K
AUTHOR: Glenn Worth 28 September 2021

AFCA: Fairness, Vulnerable Complainants & CLAIMS Handling
SUBJECTS COVERED: Fairness :: Vulnerable complainants :: CLAIMS handling :: AFCA :: External dispute resolution1.72M
AUTHORS: John Price & Chris Liamos1st September, 2021

CLAIMS as a Financial Service. What happens after licence applications?
SUBJECTS COVERED: CLAIMS :: Financial Service :: Licence Applications :: AFSL2.68M
AUTHOR: Pail Muir13 July 2021

General Insurance Code of Practice - Cracking The Code
SUBJECTS COVERED: General Insurance Code of Practice :: CLAIMS Handling :: CLAIMS Assessment :: Financial Hardship :: CLAIMS Investigation662.84K
AUTHORS: Jane Reid & Luke Taylor23 July 2020

Let's Talk Fraud: Emerging Artificial Intelligence and an Old Fashioned Case Study
SUBJECTS COVERED: Fraud :: Artificial Intelligence :: CLAIMS Assessing :: Fraudulent Claim :: Fraud Indicators3.83M
AUTHOR: Glen Walker19 August 2020

Sparke Helmore Lawyers (‘The Financial Services Royal Commission and Final Report’)Royal Commission
SUBJECTS COVERED: Recommendations :: Underlying principles :: CLAIMS handling :: General rules :: ASIC1.30M
AUTHORS: Mark Doepel & Marcus Vella5/3/19

Third Party CLAIMS Against Insurers 2018 Twilight seminars
SUBJECTS COVERED: Civil Liability (Third Party CLAIMS Against Insurers) Act 2017 :: Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1946 (NSW) s 6 :: Insurance contracts :: Reform :: Discretionary considerations 277.72K
AUTHOR: Ivan Griscti22 August 2018

Third Party CLAIMS Against Insurers - the new landscape2018 Twilight seminars
SUBJECTS COVERED: Civil Liability (Third Party CLAIMS Against Insurers) Act 2017 :: Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1946 (NSW) s 6 :: Insurance contracts :: Reform :: Discretionary considerations 266.74K
AUTHOR: Ivan Griscti22 August 2018

Civil Liability (Third Party CLAIMS Against Insurers) Act - an industry perspective2018 Twilight seminars
SUBJECTS COVERED: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) s 51 :: Civil Liability Act 2017 (NSW) s 10 :: Lawcover :: Third party CLAIMS against insurers :: Agreement between insurer and insured 175.63K
AUTHOR: Elissa Baxter22 August 2018

Mann on Insurance Law: Developments under the Insurance Contracts Act 1984
SUBJECTS COVERED: Good faith (or utmost good faith) :: Duty of disclosure :: Fraudulent CLAIMS :: Refusal to pay :: Limitations or restrictions 357.58K
AUTHOR: Peter Mann23 August 2018



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