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Subject Search: "Civil liability "


Implications of the HC decision - Western Power v Herridge Parties & Ors
SUBJECTS COVERED: Nuisance :: Apportionment :: Property Damage :: CIVIL LIABILITY Act 2002 :: Scope of Duty of Care393.72K
AUTHORS: Paul Mendelow & Angie Gimisis26 April 2023

Public Authority Defence Prospects Rise Upon The Fall Of The Brisbane Flood Litigation (QLD)
SUBJECTS COVERED: Public Authorities :: CIVIL LIABILITY Act 2003 (QLD) :: Flood Litigation :: Property Damage1.61M
AUTHORS: Richard Douglas QC & Kevin Holyoak18 August 2022

Twilight Seminar Series: T3 | The CIVIL LIABILITY Act... Has it Served Its Purpose? (NSW)
SUBJECTS COVERED: CIVIL LIABILITY Act :: Personal Injury :: Negligence :: Statutory Authorities :: Obvious Risk1.07M
AUTHOR: The Honorable Justice Cavanagh20 July 2022

Please Apportion Me! The Limits of What Constitutes An "Apportionment Claim" Under State Legislation
SUBJECTS COVERED: Apportionable Claim :: Limits :: CIVIL LIABILITY Act 2003 (Qld) :: Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) 802.75K
AUTHORS: Richard Douglas & Kevin Holyoak21 July 2021

Know your Opponent Paper – Intensive 2019 Under the Magnifying Glass: 2019 QLD Intensive
SUBJECTS COVERED: Compensation law :: Expert evidence :: Costs agreement :: Criminal Code :: CIVIL LIABILITY 274.56K
AUTHOR: Travis Schultz24/5/19

Know your opponent Under the Magnifying Glass: 2019 QLD Intensive
SUBJECTS COVERED: Compensation law :: Expert evidence :: Costs agreement :: Criminal Code :: CIVIL LIABILITY 768.04K
AUTHOR: Travis Schultz24/5/19

10 Myths about insurance law litigationUnder the Magnifying Glass: 2019 QLD Intensive
SUBJECTS COVERED: CIVIL LIABILITY :: Insurance law :: Litigation :: Personal injury :: Myths401.94K
AUTHOR: Roslyn Atkinson AO24/5/19

Third Party Claims Against Insurers 2018 Twilight seminars
SUBJECTS COVERED: CIVIL LIABILITY (Third Party Claims Against Insurers) Act 2017 :: Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1946 (NSW) s 6 :: Insurance contracts :: Reform :: Discretionary considerations 277.72K
AUTHOR: Ivan Griscti22 August 2018

Third Party Claims Against Insurers - the new landscape2018 Twilight seminars
SUBJECTS COVERED: CIVIL LIABILITY (Third Party Claims Against Insurers) Act 2017 :: Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1946 (NSW) s 6 :: Insurance contracts :: Reform :: Discretionary considerations 266.74K
AUTHOR: Ivan Griscti22 August 2018

CIVIL LIABILITY (Third Party Claims Against Insurers) Act - an industry perspective2018 Twilight seminars
SUBJECTS COVERED: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) s 51 :: CIVIL LIABILITY Act 2017 (NSW) s 10 :: Lawcover :: Third party claims against insurers :: Agreement between insurer and insured 175.63K
AUTHOR: Elissa Baxter22 August 2018

CIVIL LIABILITY update : views from the bench and bar(Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: CIVIL LIABILITY Act 2002 (NSW) :: Duty of Care :: Proportionate Liability :: Civil Liability613.65 KB
AUTHOR: Villa, Dominic5/Jun/2013

SUBJECTS COVERED: CIVIL LIABILITY Act 2002 (NSW) :: Civil Liability :: Duty of Care :: Causation :: Public Liability967.83 KB
AUTHOR: Hoeben, C. R. R.5/Jun/2013

Quick guide to the impact of the CIVIL LIABILITY Act (NSW) 2002 {BEGINS AT PAGE 71}Law for Insurers
SUBJECTS COVERED: Civil Liability :: CIVIL LIABILITY Act 2002 (NSW)4.68 MB
AUTHOR: O'Connor, Sean15/Nov/2006

CIVIL LIABILITY act : where are we at?(Nil)
SUBJECTS COVERED: CIVIL LIABILITY Act 2002 (NSW) :: Law Reform :: Personal Injuries2.37 MB
AUTHOR: Villa, Dominic12/May/2004

SUBJECTS COVERED: CIVIL LIABILITY Act 2003 (Cth) :: Civil Liability24.00 KB
AUTHOR: Unattributed19/Jun/2003



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