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Series Search: "2018 Sir Ninian Stephen Masterclass"


Cuthbert at the Commission2018 SIR NINIAN STEPHEN MASTERCLASS
SUBJECTS COVERED: Reinsurance :: Historical events3.36M
AUTHORS: Dr Ian Enright & Greg Pynt17 August 2018

SUBJECTS COVERED: Aggregation clause :: Clause interpretation :: Aggregation disputes :: Causative event :: Occurrence298.78K
AUTHOR: Keith Bethlehem17 August 2018

Should the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) be amended so it regulates reinsurance?2018 SIR NINIAN STEPHEN MASTERCLASS
SUBJECTS COVERED: Reinsurance :: Reform :: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) :: Relationship between insured and insurer :: Common law327.61K
AUTHOR: Peter Mann17 August 2018

Under Construction: Interpreting Insuring & Exclusion Clauses in Insurance Policies2018 SIR NINIAN STEPHEN MASTERCLASS
SUBJECTS COVERED: Interpretation of insurance contracts :: Commercial purpose :: Policy coverage :: Clause construction :: Exclusion clauses529.63K
AUTHOR: Brenda McGivern17 August 2018

The Construction of Adjacent Indemnity and Insurance Procurement Clauses in Commercial Contracts2018 SIR NINIAN STEPHEN MASTERCLASS
SUBJECTS COVERED: Indemnities :: Construction of indemnities :: Commercial contracts :: Insurance procurement clause :: Construction of clauses173.67K
AUTHOR: Ivan Griscti17 August 2018

The Construction of Adjacent Indemnity and Insurance Procurement Clauses in Commercial Contracts2018 SIR NINIAN STEPHEN MASTERCLASS
SUBJECTS COVERED: Indemnities :: Construction of indemnities :: Commercial contracts :: Insurance procurement clause :: Construction of clauses132.30K
AUTHOR: Ivan Griscti17 August 2018

SUBJECTS COVERED: Indemnities :: Exclusion clauses :: Construction of indemnities :: Construction of exclusion clauses :: Type of indemnity 220.62K
AUTHOR: Dr Elisabeth Peden17 August 2018

Control of claims for recovery of insured and uninsured bushfire losses2018 SIR NINIAN STEPHEN MASTERCLASS
SUBJECTS COVERED: Natural disaster bushfire :: Subrogation :: Under insured :: Class actions :: Uninsured loss 267.10K
AUTHOR: Stuart Donaldson SC17 August 2018

Insurance issues in the wivenhoe dam class action - the plaintiff's perspective2018 SIR NINIAN STEPHEN MASTERCLASS
SUBJECTS COVERED: Class action :: Natural disaster :: Flood :: Property damage :: Subrogation 133.73K
AUTHOR: Rebecca Gilsenan17 August 2018

What is the difference between non-disclosure and misrepresentation?2018 SIR NINIAN STEPHEN MASTERCLASS
SUBJECTS COVERED: Duty of utmost good faith :: Duty of disclosure :: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) :: Misrepresentation :: Non-disclosure369.46K
AUTHOR: Mark Doepel17 August 2018

Not drowning - waiving: Waiver of the Duty of Disclosure under section 21(2)(d) of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) and at common law2018 SIR NINIAN STEPHEN MASTERCLASS
SUBJECTS COVERED: Waiver (or wavier of the duty of disclosure) :: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) s 21 :: Eligible contracts :: Insurer’s questions :: Statutory or Contractual waiver130.47K
AUTHOR: Fred Hawke17 August 2018

Not drowning - waiving: Waiver of the Duty of Disclosure under section 21(2)(d) of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) and at common law2018 SIR NINIAN STEPHEN MASTERCLASS
SUBJECTS COVERED: Duty of disclosure :: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) s 21 :: Waiver of rights and remedies clauses :: Insurer’s questions :: Eligible contracts174.29K
AUTHOR: Fred Hawke17 August 2018

Knowledge and Pre-Contract Disclosure under the Insurance Contracts Act2018 SIR NINIAN STEPHEN MASTERCLASS
SUBJECTS COVERED: Duty to disclose :: Knowledge :: Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (Cth) s 21 :: Brokers or agents knowledge :: Known to the insured 594.85K
AUTHORS: Professor Julie-Anne Tarr & Dr Tony Tarr17 August 2018



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