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Insurance Law Prize
Nominees include insurers, reinsurers, adjusters, brokers, consultants, academics, judges and lawyers.


The 2015 Ron Shorter Memorial Award Victoria

As a Young Professional in the insurance industry it is inevitable that at some stage of your career you will need to speak publicly.

The Ron Shorter Memorial Award is a public speaking competition for all young professionals, across all insurance industry disciplines.

Ron Shorter held positions as a loss adjuster, liability claims supervisor, claims manager and legal practice manager. During his time in each of these roles, Ron inspired and mentored many young professionals. He passed away in February 2012 having earlier that year conceptualised this very competition. The inaugural NSW Ron Shorter award was held in July 2012. It is now in its fourth year.

AILA considers the award would be of great benefit to insurance industry young professionals in Victoria. With the support of CBP Lawyers and UniSearch, AILA is now pleased to offer the award for the first time in Victoria.

To be eligible to apply, you must be a young professional working in the insurance industry in Victoria.

Prepare a summary no longer than 250 words of why you would benefit from public speaking coaching, and a one line description of the topic you would speak on if selected.
Applications close Friday 1 May 2015 and must be emailed to Cheryl Asquith at CBP Lawyers by 5.00pm at caa@cbp.com.au
Successful applicants will be notified by email on Friday, 8 May 2015.

Workshop and coaching
Successful applicants will attend a public speaking workshop with Polaris Coaching. At the end of the workshop each applicant will deliver a 2 minute presentation (on their nominated insurance topic of choice) to a panel of judges. Three finalists will be selected.
The workshop will be held at CBP Lawyers’ offices (Level 23, 181 William Street, Melbourne VIC) on Wednesday, 3 June 2015, starting at 4.00pm for approximately 3 hours.
The three finalists will then attend a second coaching session at CBP Lawyers’ offices on Tuesday 21 July 2015, starting at 4.00pm, for approximately 2 hours.

The finalists will each speak publicly for 15 minutes on their nominated insurance topic to an audience of 80-100 insurance industry professionals. They will be judged by captains of the insurance industry.
The final will be followed by drinks and canapés. It is free to attend and will be held at CBP Lawyers’ offices on Thursday 30 July 2015 from 5.00pm.

The winner will receive the Ron Shorter Trophy, a Westfield Voucher worth $500 and the opportunity to speak publicly against the NSW competition winner at the AILA National Conference being held in Melbourne in October 2015
The runners up will each receive a Westfield voucher worth $200.

The benefits of participating:

  • confidence and skills to speak publicly: an inevitable part of a career in the insurance industry
  • network with peers and colleagues
  • develop your brand in the insurance industry
  • build your company/firm’s brand in the insurance industry
  • ....the prizes!

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Susan Vidler on 02 8274 2811 or email president@aila.com.au 

AILA Ron Shorter VIC.PDF

We are very proud to be sponsored by Colin Biggers & Paisley and Unisearch



PO Box 4295 Burwood East VIC 3151
1300 699 140 office@aila.com.au



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