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Insurance Law Prize
Nominees include insurers, reinsurers, adjusters, brokers, consultants, academics, judges and lawyers.


Frequently Asked Questions

Membership is open to anyone with an interest in insurance law.
Current memberships include brokers, adjusters, insurers, reinsurers, academics, regulators and lawyers.

Is membership available online?
Yes. All AILA memberships are processed through our website. We no longer offer manual renewal forms.

How much does it cost to join AILA and what are my options?
Please review our 'membership options' page for current fees and categories.

What will I receive when I join AILA?
New and renewing members of AILA will receive an automated email from our website confirming their membership. If you have paid by credit card, the invoiced requires no further action, if you have selected to pay by EFT you will be required to arrange payment of the invoice at your earliest convenience.

IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED YOUR AUTOMATED EMAIL - please check your 'junk' mail folder or contact your IT provider and ask them to add anything ending in to your company whitelist. From time to time, spam filters will pick up website automated emails and classify them as spam at server level to protect your mailbox.

How can I pay for my AILA membership?
AILA accepts payment by credit card (Visa, MasterCard and American Express - we longer accept Diners Club) or EFT. Please contact the AILA office to confirm the bank details prior to processing an EFT payment as our account details vary.

Cheque payments should be posted to our office at:
PO Box 4295

I want to send payment for multiple new memberships and/or renewals for people within my firm, can I send one payment for the full amount, or do I need to separate them into individual payments for each person?
One payment of several new members or renewals is acceptable. Please ensure you use the invoice numbers in the reference. 

When are my membership fees due?
AILA membership runs from 1st July to 30th June each year and is not available on a pro-rata basis.

How can I find out if I’m a member of AILA?
Contact our office on 1300 699 140 or email

I was a member of AILA a few years ago with a different firm; do I need to re-apply as a new member?
No. Once you are a member of AILA, you will remain on our database even if you are inactive for a period of time. You can reactivate your membership at any time, and will not need to re-apply as a new member. To reactivate, simply contact the AILA office via or 1300 699 140 to update your details.

I have forgotten my login details for the website, how do I retrieve them?
If you have forgotten your login details, you can either contact the AILA office, or for password recovery, select 'forgotten password' on the login screen and follow the onscreen prompts. Your email address is your login username.

What should I do if I change my contact details?
You can advise the AILA office directly on 1300 699 140 or email or alternatively login to your personal profile via the website and update your details. Please note that email addresses cannot be updated by members, and you must contact the office for assistance with this change.

How can I find out who is a member of AILA from my firm?
Contact the office on 1300 699 140 or email and a full list of members for your firm can be advised. Alternatively, if you are part of a corporate company, your company administrator will be able to login and review all your members on the 'company dashboard'. 

I live and work outside Australia, but still want to be a member of AILA. Can I join?
Yes. We have Associate membership as well as Individual membership available to international members of the Association. You will not lose any membership benefits by being an Associate member, and you only have to pay 50% of a full membership rate.

My firm is located in a town outside my States capital city; can I apply to be an International member?
Yes. Regional/International/Retiree membership was introduced for anyone located outside of capital cities, in regional areas, is retired full time and international members anywhere in the world.

As a Regional/International/Retied member, will I be entitled to all the benefits other members get?
Yes. We appreciate it may be difficult for you to attend seminars in your State or Territory to take advantage of the discounted fee’s.

You will still receive our newsletter 'Resolve', have access to the website and seminar papers, be listed as a member of the Association, attend the annual national conference at a discounted rate and, if you are able,  attend seminars for the member rate.

How do I find out if my firm holds a corporate membership with AILA?
Contact the national office on 1300 699 140 or email and we will be able to advise if your firm has established a corporate membership with us.

How many people from my legal firm do I need to qualify for Legal Corporate membership?
Your firm must have at least 5 or more members to hold a Legal Corporate membership.

Will I have my own membership even though I am a Corporate member?
Yes. Our members are listed as individuals to allow for flexibility. You will be linked to a corporate membership via your firms name on our database.

You will still receive your own copies of our member magazine 'Resolve', invitations and annual renewal notices.

Can I add new members to an existing Corporate membership?
Yes. New members can be added at any time to your existing corporate membership. This will usually be completed by your Company Administrator.

Some of my colleagues have already renewed as individual members, and our firm would like to establish a corporate membership. Do they count towards our required minimum number of members?
Yes. Anyone who has renewed as an individual can be included in a corporate membership to ensure your firm meets the minimum number of people required.

As it is the responsibility of a firm to ensure there is a coordinated approach to corporate membership, we are unable to offer refunds for the difference between individual and corporate membership rates for those who have already processed their memberships on the website.

Will AILA coordinate memberships for our firm to be eligible for Corporate membership?
No. It is the responsibility of all firms to ensure they coordinate the corporate renewal process via their appointed Company Administrator via our website.

How do I sign up as a Company Administrator?
Complete the 'Friend of AILA' sign up process at the bottom of the page under 'Join Now'. Once you have established your login details, contact the AILA office on 1300 699 140 or for the team to link you to your firm.

Alternatively, if you already have login details, simply contact the office and we will upgrade your access levels.

What do I do if I leave the firm where my Corporate membership is held?
You will still be listed as an active member of AILA if you leave your current firm of employment until the end of the financial year on 30th June.

Please ensure you update your contact details as soon as possible by either logging in to the website or advising the AILA office directly on 1300 699 140 or email



PO Box 4295 Burwood East VIC 3151
1300 699 140



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