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Insurance Law Prize
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Insurance Law Prize
Nominees include insurers, reinsurers, adjusters, brokers, consultants, academics, judges and lawyers.


Covid19 & AILA Events - A Message from AILA National President, Cameron Roberts

AILA will always put the interests of its members, volunteers, friends, the insurance industry and the Australian Community first and foremost.

AILA's core objective is the delivery of education on insurance law through events.  It is fair to say AILA faces some increased challenges in meeting its core objective in light of Covid19.  However, AILA is a dynamic and responsive not for profit organisation in good financial shape well served by a dedicated group of volunteers across Australia so AILA is in an excellent position to meet those challenges.

 AILA appreciates the Covid19 situation is fluid and many organisations, AILA included, are still evolving their respective responses to this pandemic.

In the circumstances, AILA will continue to offer alternatives to physical attendance to allow insurance professionals to access our great educational content – for instance the ethics podcasts and livestreaming of events we have already utilised this year.

Also, you can register and remain registered for these AILA events with complete confidence knowing your registration fee is 100% refundable if you are unable to attend by reason of Covid19.

Whilst AILA will continue to plan to deliver a full program of education and networking events, we will also continue to monitor developments and take whatever precautions are necessary to ensure the safety of those who attend AILA events.

To that end, we ask all those registered to attend AILA events take the following practical precautions:

  1. Do not attend the event if you:
    1. Have been to a country considered to be at higher risk in the past 14 days;
    2. Have been exposed to a person who has been diagnosed with Covid19 in the past 14 days;
    3. Have been exposed to a person who has been in contact with a person who has been diagnosed with Covid19 in the past 14 days; or
    4. Are feeling unwell.
  2. Avail yourselves of the additional hygiene facilities that will be available at all AILA events.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact the office if you have any questions or concerns.



PO Box 4295 Burwood East VIC 3151
1300 699 140 office@aila.com.au



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