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Insurance Law Prize
Nominees include insurers, reinsurers, adjusters, brokers, consultants, academics, judges and lawyers.


Applications Open - Ron Shorter Award 2017

A National Event

Winners go to the Asia Pacific Insurance Conference in Singapore

In 2017, the Ron Shorter Award expands to Western Australia, South Australia and Tasmania.

The Award is AILA’s flagship public speaking competition for young professionals in the insurance industry, providing public speaking training and exposure to industry peers and luminaries. Over 160 young insurance professionals have benefited from the competition since it began in 2012.

This year, WA will join in the Queensland competition, SA will join in the NEW SOUTH WALES competition, and Tasmania will join in the Victoria competition.

Who should apply
The competition is open to all young professionals in the insurance and insurance law industry. Applicants from previous years (excluding previous winners) are encouraged to enter again.

To enter
CLICK HERE to fill in the application form including the insurance-related topic you would like to speak on. Entries close 5 May.

How it works
Successful applicants in each state will be invited to attend a 5pm public speaking training workshop which runs for 2.5 hours. South Australia participants will join the New South Wales workshop (23 May) via videolink from a location in Adelaide. Likewise Tasmania participants will join the Victoria workshop (30 May) via videolink, and Western Australia participants will join the Queensland workshop (6 June) via videolink.

The New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland workshops will be held at Colin Biggers & Paisley. At the workshop, participants will give a two-minute presentation on their topic and three finalists will be selected to progress to the final.

South Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia participants who progress to the final will be flown to the New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland finals (airfares and accommodation included). The finals will be held at Colin Biggers & Paisley on 18 July (Vic), 25 July (NSW) and 3 August (Qld), where finalists will speak for 10-15 minutes on their topic before a panel of judges and an audience of industry professionals.

The winners of each final will go to the Asia Pacific Insurance Conference (18-20 October) in Singapore including economy airfares, two nights’ accommodation and registration. There are also $250 Westfield EFTPOS cards for the other finalists.

For more information
CLICK HERE for more details and testimonials from previous participants.

Entries close 5 May 2017.




PO Box 4295 Burwood East VIC 3151
1300 699 140 office@aila.com.au



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