2016 Ron Shorter Award
The Ron Shorter Memorial Award will be held in 2016 for the fifth time in New South Wales, the second time in Victoria and the first time in Queensland.
The competition helps young insurance industry professionals to develop their public speaking skills.
Previous years’ participants also benefited by raising their profile speaking publicly on an insurance topic that is dear to their heart or meeting peers and luminaries from the insurance industry.
In addition there are prizes up for grabs, including the Ron Shorter Memorial Award trophy, Westfield EFTPOS gift cards and the opportunity for the state champions to showcase their skills at the AILA annual conference.
Applications for this year's competition may be made from the 24th of February 2016. To apply, Young Professionals working in the insurance industry can email National Secretariat (office@aila.com.au) with the insurance topic they will speak about if they are selected and a 250 word summary of why they would benefit from public speaking training.
Applications close at 5pm on 6 May 2016.
Twenty applicants from each state will be selected to attend training workshops facilitated by Polaris Coaching. The successful applicants will be notified on 6 May 2016.
Colin Biggers & Paisley will host the workshops in each state.
- Brisbane: Level 35, Waterfront Place, 1 Eagle Street on 31 May 2016
- Melbourne: Level 23, 181 William Street on 24 May 2016
- Sydney: Level 42, 2 Park Street on 17 May 2016
Each workshop will comprise intensive public speaking training. Then, applying the skills they have learnt, each attendee will deliver a two minute presentation on the topic they set out in their application.
The workshops will begin at 5pm and run for approximately two and a half hours. A panel of judges will select three finalists from the 20 applicants.
The finalists will go on to receive further one-on-one training from Polaris and compete in the final, in their state.STATE
The three finalists for each state will present for 15 minutes on their nominated topic to an audience of 80-100 peers and luminaries from across the insurance industry.
Colin Biggers & Paisley will also host each state final on the following dates:
- Brisbane: 5pm on 4 August 2016
- Melbourne: 5pm on 19 July 2016
- Sydney: 5 pm on 26 July 2016
- The Hon Justice Anthe Philippides (Qld Court of Appeal)
- Tony Shaw (Director, Marsh & McLennan)
- Michael Gear (Senior Claims Specialist, Liberty International Underwriters)
- The Hon Justice John Middleton (Federal Court of Australia)
- Allison Grice (National Legal & Claims Manager, CGU)
- Giselle Walther (Managing Director of Growth Strategies, Aon Risk Solutions)
- The Hon Justice Cliff Hoeben (NSW Supreme Court / Court of Appeal)
- Robert Kelly (Managing Director and CEO, Steadfast)
- Noel Condon (CEO, AIG)
TThe presentations will be followed by drinks and canapés and are free to attend.
The winners of the state finals receive flights, accommodation and registration for the AILA National Conference in Adelaide in October 2016, where they will present their topic.
If you have any questions please contact Victoria Saccaro on 1300 699 140 or email office@aila.com.au or see our website www.aila.com.au. Please mark the above dates in your diary.
The awards are proudly sponsored by: